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Born:December 21, 1983
Thomasville, Georgia
Died:September 15, 1999
Cairo, Georgia

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On December 21,1983, Clarence Leonard "Lance" Murkerson was born to Ezra Leonard Murkerson and Bonnie Rogers of Cairo, Ga. On September 15,1999, his life came to an end in a tragic car accident. He is survived by his parents, Ezra and Michelle Murkerson(Cairo,Ga.) and Bonnie and James Jones(GrandRidge,Fl.), a sisters Amanda Holly Murkerson and Jasmine Nicole White(both of Cairo),brothers- Jason Jones(Sneads,Fl.) Jamey Jones(Tallahassee,Fl)Johnathon and Joshua White(Cairo,Ga.)  maternal grandparents-Johnny and Laurene Rogers(Lizella,Ga.) and Geraldine Cox(Cairo,Ga.) and paternal grandparents-Rev.Bluford and Myrtle Murkerson also of Cairo,Ga. Also a host of aunts, uncles and cousins.
Playing baseball
Added by Anonymous

Lance and sister Holly
Added by Anonymous

Lance and his Daddy Ezra
Added by Anonymous

Lance and his Mama, Bonnie
Added by Anonymous
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Personal Notes

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