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Born:June 27, 2000
Died:June 27, 2000

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Travis was Born to Stephanie & Eddie Nibert at Holzer Hospital.
At 3:15pm he was 5 pounds 3 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long.
He had black hair and blue eyes.We had his Nursery Room all done
in Pooh Bear.

Travis is preceded in death by his 3 other Brother's or Sister's Name's Unkown;1 Cousin Name and Sex Uknown; Great-Grandma Audrey Helen Hunt Stewart;Great-Grandpa Willis W. Nibert;Great-Grandpa Calvin E. Stewart;Grandpa Edward L. Nibert;Great-Aunt Judy K. Harmon;Great-Uncle Willis W. Nibert Jr.

Travis is survived by his Mother Stephanie M. Nibert;Father Edward L. Nibert Jr.;Grandma Helen R. Bershfield;Grandma Joann E. Nibert;Grandpa John E. Nibert;Great-Grandma Hattie M. Nibert;Several Cousins;Aunts and Uncles.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
Travis Footprints & Hair
Added by Stephanie Nibert
Personal Notes

Mommy and Daddy miss u and love u so much.
Added by Stephanie Nibert
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