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Born:July 9, 1983
Died:July 3, 2003

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I met Brandon while attending Potomac State College. He was an Animal Science major. When you first met him he was very quiet but polite.. but with time he showed his true colors. He was a risk-taker, he lived for the moment and wasn't afraid of anything. He, like most boys, loved the outdoors. He liked his hunting, and fishing, and riding his motorcycle. 
He was a young man of many talents. It didn't take long for me to discover that he had the ability to fix just about anything that was broken. He could make good grades without ever taking a book home and made the Dean's List his last semester in college. He also taught me many things about life. He was the hardest working boy his age I had ever seen.. and coming from a wonderful family he had good morals and values.
In our second year of college we fell in love. A lot of people don't know that he had a soft spot. He was the sweetest boy I had ever met, I had never been treated so good in my life. There was hardly a moment we weren't together, he was my best friend. He told me that I was the one for him, which was a true honor since a lot of people didn't think Brandon was the type of boy to get tied down with someone. We however, had lots of plans for our future together. He always said that he wouldn't know what to do without me. I will never understand why he had to leave so soon, and I will never stop loving him!!

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Personal Notes

Words to describe him: Smart, funny when he wanted to be, quite but could get his point across, cute like a teddy bear, great smile, fun to hang out with, always happy, #1 guy...Brandon you are missed by everyone!
Added by Emmy
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