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Born:July 15, 1966
Died:November 16, 2008
Bellshill, Scotland

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As a sister & a friend, i will Love & miss you every day of my life.
You were the 6th child of 10 to our late parents John & Jean Locke. You were a clever, brighr cheery, happy wee girl who grew to be a lovely woman. You had 4 children, 3 sisters 6 brothers & dozens of nieces & nephews who are going to miss you in their lives.
I hope you have found what you were looking for. Till we meet again i hope that you are now free from pain and at peace.

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Personal Notes

It's now 25 days on and it still hurts your gone. Nothing can describe my pain or what i'm feeling. You know yourself that you were more than just my Aunt. You were my best friend and also like a sister to me.
As each day goes by, people tell me it'll get easier, but the pain get's worse cause as each day goes by i realise it'll be a long time before i see you again. I keep expecting you to text or randomly phone like u did before u died, but i know that's not going to happen. I can't even bring myself to delete your mobile number out my phone.
I just hope now that your gone, you've found peace and hope your now with your family, the people who loved you like i do!
I can't imagine what life without you is going to be like but i guess i'll just have to take one day at a time and be as strong as you were!
I'll always love you and think of you and one day i'll see you again, but til then angel, sleep tight.

Love with all my heart xx

Added by Your loving niece Lisa xxxxxx

4 weeks today you passed away & i miss you every single day.......... Love you


Added by Anonymous

Almost 5 weeks since you died i am still lonely without you, if i could just have seen you that last day, just for a few minutes then i could have told you all the things i should have said to you without getting angry with you. I love you wee sister and i always will, i will miss you every day of my life. I hope you have found the peace you so deserve.Sleep tight till we meet again.

Added by Anonymous
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