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Born:November 16, 1974
Dundee, Scotland
Died:September 30, 2008
tredegar, Wales

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William was a kind and confident Man, he was very much into Scouting and the way of life that surrounds it. I was his little sister and we fought as most siblings do. we used to call him the carrot grater because when he laughed his bottom lip would quiver so much that it looked like you could grate a carrot in his teeth. i was 18 when he saw my newest tattoo ... man he shouted at me , took me about 30 mins to tell him that it was a fake one , wow the relief on his face. William travelled the country and made so many friends along the way, he was an amazing man that was taken from the world way too early!
william copy copy copy.jpg
his Funeral Poem i dont know how well it will read
Added by Elizabeth
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