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Born:June 9, 1917
Pasadena, California
Died:January 10, 2009
In her home in Nelson, BC

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Tom Stevenson:

Helen passed away on her bed, in her sleep Saturday morning some time after 8:00 am, January 10th, 2009. It was at the time of the full moon and also John's birthday.

It was clear that Helen had no significant physical pain in her last days, except apprehensive tension which was relieved by those loved ones visiting her daily. Physical touch, proximity, messages and a few short phone calls seemed to be what kept Helen quite peaceful in her last days.

Helen's body will be buried beside John's grave in Argenta, about 2:30 pm January 18.

This seems to be a time of transition for many of us, as we say goodbye to those few parents of families who migrated to Argenta from the U.S. in early '50s.

As it gets compiled from contributions, this site may include a brief outline of John and Helen's lives.

Your contributions offer valued variety of experiences; please share what feels right to you.

David Stevenson:

The following is an obituary my aunt, Helen's sister Sara Conrow submitted to the Pennywise newspaper:

Helen was born in Pasadena, California, on June 9, 1917 to Archibald and Ruth Crosbie. After graduating from Whittier College, she taught school first in South Pasadena High School and later she was instrumental in starting a Friends elementary school, Pacific Ackworth, in Pasadena.

In 1943 she married John Stevenson. They and their three children, with other members of their Friends Meeting in Tracy, CA, moved to Argenta, B.C. in 1952. Helen taught in the Argenta Public School until 1958.

Helen was a lifelong member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). From childhood, religion was an important part of her life.

In 1959 the Argenta Friends School (AFS) was started under the care of the Argenta Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. The school was an integral part of John and Helen's life for many years.

In 1988 they moved to Nelson where they were active in the Nelson Worship Group. For several years Helen was actively involved in the Kootenay School of the Arts.

Helen was predeceased by her husband, John, and her sister, Kathryn Cushing. She leaves her sister, Sara Conrow of Kaslo, three children, David (Susan)of Prince George B.C., Janet of Portland, Oregon, and Tom of Nelson, B.C., seven grandchildren, Samuel, Peter, Wilson, Selena, Asa, Knoll, and Rye, and a number of nephews and nieces.

A memorial will be held in Nelson at the United Church, 602 Silica St., on Saturday, March 14, 2009, at 1:00 pm
Personal Notes


Sunshine of my life,
You have laughed with me,
You have cried with me,
You held me beneath your heart.

And when you birthed me,
It was two!
Yet you held us in your love,
"In the Palm of His Hand."

Mother, when you held
In your hands the tiniest flower
That I had brought you,
It was poetry you taught me:

~Then shared the awe of Tennyson's~
"Flower in a Crannied Wall,"
For it was mountains, lake and sky
That brought inspiration to your heart

And I reveled in your joy.
At our shared moments
Of tickeling worms,
Identifying a bird,

This is your sunstet
Into a vast freedom.
Dearest one,
Take my heart too!

Added by Janet Stevenson
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