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Died:February 20, 1925

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Auntie Vie, or Ms. TAVEESUK INDRADUTA, was one of the oldest aunties of Khun Kai Indraduta, and also  the oldest Grama of Maque Indraduta, Kai & Vanishaya's son.

Our beloved Vie was the oldest daughter of MR. & MRS. CHUER and PATHUM INDRADUTA's many children. As known up to this day, they are:

Aunt Vie - TaVeesuk
Aunt Suk - Somsuk Kaljaruek
Aunt Pou
Uncle Somchart Indraduta
*Dad Lek -Cherngtierra Indraduta
Auntie Noi
Uncle Daeng - Chonlatarn Indraduta

Auntie Vie was 84 years old.
She was never married, and had never been touched by a man.
She was bright and delightful, with great senses of humor.
She loved collecting comic books and bits of this and that,
and always got pleasant gadgets to surprise 3.9-year-old Maque
in her treasure boxes by her bed.
She lived a great life.

She will be missed.
And will always be in our hearts.


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