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Born:November 11, 1962
Martinsville Virginia
Died:January 2, 2000
Martinsville Virginia

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Michael you were so full of life.It's so hard for me to think that you could really be gone.I miss you so much.You had a smile that lit up my day and melted my heart the very first time I saw you.We had a lot of ups and downs and we shared alot of happiness and love together you and I.Playing Santa and Easter bunny for the kids putting uo the christmas tree,riding bikes with the kids, helping them with their homework,playing the video games.You were as much a kid as they were.I miss being in your arms the most.Your touch made me feel so alive so special.I have never felt that since you had to go away.You have left a void in my life that can never be replaced.You and I were soulmates.We had so much fun together everyday just doing the simple things that people do.I'll never forget you or the time that we had together.You are forever in my heart and soul.I will always love you and you will always be with me where ever I am.I know you are up in heaven now,with Ricky,Tim,Dwayne,James,and your Dad Tom.I can only hope that one day soon we'll be together again.

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