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Born:October 30, 1941
Sarnia, Ontario
Died:May 3, 2008
London, Ontario

This Online Memorial Has Expired
It Will Be Deleted Soon

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Unless more time is purchased to keep this memorial online, it will be removed from this website very soon.  Visitors will be unable to view this memorial, including any stories, photos, personal notes or other memorabilia that have been added to this web page.


Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

They say there is a reason
They say that time will heal
But neither time nor reason
Will change the way I feel
For no one knows the heartache
That lies behind our smiles
No one knows how many times
I have broken down and cried
I want to tell you something
So there won't be any doubt
You're so wonderful to think of
But so hard to be without

Love and forever in my thoughts

Added by Anonymous
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