Patrick was born to Parents Aileen and Arlie Patterson there was another son Lyle Patrick and Lyle were wonderful friends for each other paly canooed played basketball football spent most of there time in the outdoors The boys absolutely adored their Mother Aileen and she was always there for her mishchievious boys,, Aileen's favourite saying was to Patrick"I Dont know what I am going to do with you' and she was always there when they neeeded her as the father Arlie was away serving his country Patrick had very kind heart was always bringing home stray creatures that he thought needed his help one particular bought home some robin eggs and they hatchwed under his bed and use to tube feed them Patrick and Lyle's Mother Aileen passed away she was 36 yrs old her death devastated both boys, only been young boys i imagine how awful it must have been as Patrick was only 16yrs old I do beleive he went to school in Hobart Indianna and College in Pa for how long I am not sure And did something that he loved dearly photography and been the editor of the school paper