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Born:July 17, 1911
Shanghai, China
Died:May 8, 2005
San Rafael, California

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My Grandmother was a very, very special Woman. She loved all of her children very much, and did everything she could to help them all her life. Nothing was too much to ask, and she was always there to help... right to the end. She was my support for most of my life, and helped me to keep my life together for many, many years. I remember her at the age of 60 getting up on some scaffolding and painting the outside of our house, mostly by herself. I remember all of the great Thanksgiving Dinners that we had... the regular meals. Sweaters that she made... Christmas tree decorating, wonderful parties for my special friends like Skip Nunamaker, the director of Nasa Space at my home. Trips to Disneyland.... and all the help she gave to me over the years.

I remember her sweet laughter... her smile. I remember her kindness, and her love for all of us.

I pray for her, and miss her every day.

I love you Apa.........


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