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Born:November 22, 1946
Died:June 20, 2009

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More than a friend
Heart of gold
Right by you always

Most wonderful woman ever
Amazing in every way
Determained to see everyone Suceed
Lovely beyond all others
Never leaves your side

This is the way we have always felt about our mother. She never gave up on her dream of seeing us make something of our selves. We know she is in heaven looking down on us and her dream lives on. This is our promise to the one person who always believed that her children would get right. Our mother, Our friend, We promise to you although you are no longer here we will do our best to make you proud. We will get our selves right and live good lives in your memory. You were always there through the good and the bad. You were our mother and our friend you were the one person we could always count on . Our prayer is that one day we will see you again in heaven above with no pain and will always feel your ever lasting love falling down on us from above. Dear God protect and love this wonderful woman. Our sweet mother and friend. Mom you will live forever in our hearts and dreams. You will be missed by many and loved by all.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Mom you will be greatly missed and our lives will never be the same with out you. You will live forever in my heart. and will inspire me always to do the right thing. you were a wonderful woman, Mother, Wife and friend
Added by Mary Thompson
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