An absolutely adored and loved mother, nanny, great and great great nanny, sister, aunty, cousin, whaea and friend to many who knew her.. a woman of mana and prestige.. who gave herself so unselfishly to who ever needed her in times of need, in times of learning, in times of grief, despair, happiness and sorrow..her heart was huge..and she loved us unconditionally.. "wahine toa" ... you live on through us mum..we are who we are because of you..and for that we thank you.. we thank god for giving us the most beautiful, caring, unselfish, knowledgeable, hardworking, intelligent, loving and trusting, sacrificing mother..she will never be forgotten because someone may say something or laugh that sounds like her, a certain smell,a whisper, a song brings back beautiful memories of our mother, but most of all we have her in our dreams, in our cherished memories and in our hearts forever..till our family chain is all linked back together..wait for us mum..because we know you will be there to greet each and every one of us when our time comes.. Oh how our heart aches for you...he mamae he mamae..
not only today, but yesterday, and tomorrow and forever xxxx