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Born:October 7, 1956
Barnsville Ohio
Died:June 1, 2000
Canton, Ohio

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My mom was great she had a great sense of humor and was a caring honest compasionate person I miss her so much. My mom was sick off and on from the time I was 11 years old but she never let that get her down she was gonna fight know matter what it took. She finally lost her battle with diabetes complications when she was a young 48 years old. I know that they say that it gets easier, but it sure hasnt got any easier on me..Since my mom passed my uncle tommy and my grandmother and my step father have all passed to making the pain harder to bare...but I know that they are together there and that someday I will be with them....until we meet again I love and miss you...angie
My Mom And Me
Added by Angie

Mom When She Was Little
Added by Angie

Me And Mom When I was Little
Added by Angie

My Moms Mom And Dad..With Her In Heaven
Added by Angie

My moms brother tom also in heaven with her
Added by angie

My mom and dad he is also in heaven with her
Added by angie
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Hello mom I just wanted to say that I miss you and I love you...I know that you and grandma are watching me and dylan and jason and im so glad that I had the life that I had and I would not change a thing ....
Added by Angie
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