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Born:March 30, 1940
Lafayette, Indiana
Died:August 15, 2009
Sun City, Florida

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Mr. John Williams, a lifelong resident of Indiana, until recently retiring to Florida, was born in Lafayette, Indiana to the late Everett and Kathryn Williams on March 30, 1940. He attended Delphi Elementary and graduated from Delphi High School in 1958. He graduated from Purdue University in 1968 with a B.A. Degree in Agricultural Economics.  

Mr. Williams worked for Purdue University and Indiana University as a Campus Auxillary Services Director from 1968 until he retired in 2000. During his 32 years with the University he was Director of Campus Bookstore, Mailing, Printing, Food, Copying, Childcare and Telecommunication Services. In addition to his distinguished career with Purdue and Indiana University, he was also a long-time member of In-Plant Printing and Mailing Association (IPMA). John was well known within the industry. He served the association in many capacities, holding the positions of IPMA’s President, Past President, Vice President, Certification Chairperson and various other Board, Regional, Chapter and committee positions. In 1994 he was awarded the honor of IPMA’s Fellow Member. At the time, this prestigious honor had only been granted eight times in the 30-year history of the association.

Mr. Williams dedicated his career and service to many professional and civic organizations such as: College and University Mail Services Association (CUMSA), National Postal Customers Council Association of College and University Telecommunication Administrators (ACUTA), National Association of College Stores (NACS), National Association College and University Business Officers (NACUBO), National Association of College and University Auxiliary Services (NACUAS).

Mr. Williams also dedicated many years of civic service to the Salvation Army of Indiana as a Board Member and devoted volunteer. He was also a member of the Indianapolis Universal Club and served on the Board of Trustees for Speedway Baptist Church.
Personal Notes

Loved and adored and already missed so much.
Added by Anonymous

Remembering a man that was the BEST story teller and knew how to entertain anyone he met.
Added by Anonymous

jokes,jokes, ticklebee, secret trips to wafflehouse, promises never broken, picture framing lessons, riding on the lawnmower...more jokes, santa claus, teaching me to drive stick, and on and on and on...thenk you Daddy.
Added by Anonymous

In spite of all of the ups and downs that we had over the past 45 years, we remained close. I appreciate the fact that we could accomplish that. You will be missed. I will remember all of the fun and funny times we had.
Added by Anonymous

Dad, wish I could have one more funny story, one more time to hear a joke, one more time for you to make me more meeting for us to participate in together while I sit and admire how you conduct yourself, while I look around the room and see how you are more time to feel proud of you. These are the things that I will pass on to a boy that loves and admires you just as I have. Sweet dreams.
Added by KLW

You were a great boss and mentor. D
Added by Anonymous

Thanks for being you.
Added by Anonymous

John - your humor, wit, sense of humor and spirit is truly truly missed. Your were a true friend and a great neighbor!
Added by Anonymous
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