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Born:March 9, 2003
Dalton, GA
Died:March 9, 2003
Dalton, GA

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My name is Shana Gomez.  My beautiful daughter that you see above was stillborn on March 9th, 2003. I was 8.5 months pregnant and just went to my regular bi-weekly check-up when an ultrasound confirmed there was no heartbeat. After 2 full days of  labor, I held my angel in my arms.  This was the worst and best moment of my life: holding my first child and saying goodbye at the same time! It has been almost a year, but it only seems like yesterday I held her in my arms!

Added by Anonymous
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Personal Notes

My Baby Angel

Up in heaven Far above,
Sleeping peacefully in the arms of God’s Love.
Laying on a big puffy cloud,
Waking your tiny eyes to gaze around.

Paradise as far as you can see,
Angels fluttering around like little bees.
But just remember no one loves you more than me.

Taken too soon, but always in my heart,
One day we will be together, and never more apart.
Until that day, sweet dreams
My precious baby angel!


Added by Shana
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