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Born:March 17, 2002
Joplin, MO
Died:March 17, 2002
Jolpin, MO

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Draven was a wonderful baby. Born weighing only 11. ounces and only 9 and 3/4 inches long, Draven was a fighter. For over an hour, he hung on to life, never giving up the fight until I told him it was okay to go home to Jesus. Though Draven was held in my belly for 22 blessed weeks, he will  live on in everyone's heart for all etenity.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Mommy loves you very much Draven Jacob. I think about you all the time, but I know you are doing just fine with your brothers and Jesus. Wait for Mommy. I will be home soon baby boy. I love you and I miss you very much.
Added by Mommy, Tiffany Joy Paxton
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