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Born:February 21, 1926
Died:May 14, 1999

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This person was my father and he was the greatest.I really loved him very much,we had a wonderful relationship even after i got married to ray. Daddy was a man that would do anything for anyone until he got sick and could not do anything but live off of his oxygen. Daddy we really miss you and love u so much. The kids are all grown now and 2 of them are in their 30"s and Eric is 27 now. The time has flown by but not a day goes by that I dont talk to you in one way or the other. I really miss you and wish that you were here to give me a hug or a kiss but I know that you are better where u are at with grandma and grandpa. I love u for ever dad. Just take a look down at us and see how we are and the kids are. love your daughter ginny

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