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Died:December 31, 2009
Trondheim, Norway

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A few thoughts about our MOM. Sigrid to most of you was MOM to us, and what a MOM she was! As young kids it was difficult to appreciate the love and scarifices that MOM made for us, we just knew that she was always there for us, and that's what MOMs did!!! As you grow older you realise, that MOM was not always a Mother she too was once young and with a life that did not involve organising Birthday Parties and preparing for Camping Trips. Looking back at the family videos and pictures over the years MOM is always there, but, in the Background images doing those things that we took for granted, these memories bring me to the one word that best described MOM,  SELFLESS!!

As we got older and became teens and young adults MOM was less there for us as a caretaker, but, more there as a friend. Those who knew MOM could tell you that she was a
Great Listener, and great listeners make wise friends. Mom would speak few words, but, they would be softly spoken, sincere, and thoughtful if you could see below the surface.

Mom spent her life Caring for others and putting others before herself, she loved her job and embraced differently abled (handicapped) kids with a SELFLESS dedication that we learnt to admire. We are proud that our Mother was able to help improve the everyday lives of those she took care of, and gained the respect of her co-workers and friends who demonstrated their love for her by caring for MOM when she needed them the most.

MOM was diagnosed with an inoperable Brain Tumor about a year and half ago, but, despite such a tramatic situation MOM seldom let her spirit be dampened and was more concerned with creating new Treasured Life Moments rather than feeling sorry about her declining health. Just a few weeks after her diagnosis MOM was jogging in a marathon with her jogging team and enjoying every minute of it!!

After her biopsy Doctors expected that Mom would only survive a few months at best, but, MOM had other ideas, so despite her poor physical condition she insisted on taking a trip to Tunisia to spend time with her children. Then next was a trip to Denver as there was no way she was not going to be there for her son's graduation.

Mom tried to make very difficult times easier and even enjoyable, a memory that stays with us from this summer is of MOM dancing on her one good foot and singing through the good side of her mouth. We don't just want to remember the healthy Mom of our childhood and young adult years, but, we also want to remember our sick Mom whose character and spirit shun brightest when life was at it's darkest, whose humor became sharper as she became weaker, and who became more alive in all of us as her time here passed.

We loved her with all our heart and will truly miss her, and we thank her for being the most beautiful and SELFLESS person that we have known. If the value of a life is measured by the impact and inspiration that you have on others then MOM your life was priceless!

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

When laughter filled your lungs to share in the joy of someone else, I REJOICED WITH YOU.
When life hurt, but, there was a smile on your face I SAW YOU. When you spoke soft thoughtful words of wisdom I HEARD YOU. As you took a step forward when it was easier to stay still I ADMIRED YOU. When you were concerned for others more than yourself I KNEW WHO YOU WERE, A LESSON for all who were touched by your presence.

I can still be the Parent that shows he cares, the Neighbour that's not distant, a Life Partner that makes love in and out of bed, and a Friend to an enemy because your example lights my way and lives forever in my conciousness.

Youth fades, passion dulls, but a MOM's love is everlasting. You were a Mother to many.

Your Caribbean SONshine Loves YOU and will never forget you. Derek

Added by Derek Drayton
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