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Born:June 17, 1925
Havana, Cuba
Died:January 21, 2010
Willemstad, Curacao

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Senator Arthuro was the founder of JCI Dutch Caribbean, JCI Willemstad and JCI Aruba. He was a gentleman who through his efforts to present opportunities to the young people made it happen that many youngsters became great leaders, effective managers, politicians and officials on local, national and international levels.

We feel it as our obligation to share with you the very small part of the history of the of the Founding of Jaycees (JCI).

JCI Senator Tula Jesurun encountered a JCI Member from Wilmington Delaware, who directed him to the Headquarters of JCI (at that time in Miami Beach, Florida).
Through the enthusiasm of the then Secretary General of JCI, the needed information got to Curaçao and which formation was used to get a group of young men, who were eager and willing to develop themselves and together with him enter into this fantastic and beautiful Leadership Training and Community Development Organization: Junior Chamber International (JCI).

The Jaycee movement was founded on February 21 of 1961 in Curaçao leaded by the first President, the late JCI Senator Johnny Mauricio Jr., followed by the Aruba Jaycees (nowadays JCI Aruba). In November 1961 JCI Senator Arturo Jesurun with all the then young men took on the challenge and made it possible for the delegation to become integrated into the international ranks at the World Congress in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

JCI Senator Arthuro “Tula” Jesurun became the 1961/1962 President of The Netherlands Antilles Jaycees, nowadays JCI Dutch Caribbean.

Although JCI Senator Tula Jesurun left us, we know that he is now united with His Creator, and his grateful memories will remain in our hearts.
May God give JCI Senator Arthuro “Tula” Jesurun eternal rest and may his soul rest in peace.
jci 052-1.jpg
45th Anniversary JCI Willemstad
Added by Anonymous
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Personal Notes

Dear Lord,
You have blessed us with this chance to meet such a great person in our lives. Senator Tula was not only a good colleague or a great friend; he was an inspiration for all who knew him. He made it possible to create a positive change in many lives in our community.
Now he has finished this big project You have assigned to him. Now he finally can take a break, to enjoy the glory of your Kingdom.
Bless his loved ones, and give them strength to surpass this sorrow.
Lord we ask You to make sure that our beloved senator Arthuro Jesurun will never be forgotten. That he still will be an inspiration for young leaders in our communities.

Dave Martinus
JCI Dutch Caribbean
2010 National President

Added by Anonymous

I still clearly remember my last conversation with Senator Tula, not even two months ago on a beautiful December morning. I can still hear his voice telling me about past stories and remarkable achievements not only within the JCI movement, but also with regards to many other local and international accomplishments. And above all I can recall his wise words guiding me on the project we were talking about.

I know his great concern was his physical exertion to help me throughout the process. Nevertheless, his great persona undoubtedly reassured me he would always be there to help me move mountains.

Dear lord, now that Senator Tula has entered your heavenly Kingdom and has surpassed the limitations of the physical world, I am confident he will keep on – in an even more extraordinary way – making miracles happen next to your side.

Melinda Domacassé
JCI Dutch Caribbean
2010 General Legal Counsel

Added by Anonymous
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