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Born:January 13, 1981
Bakersfield, Calif.
Died:July 5, 2002
Bakersfield, Calif.

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Jeremy was only 21 when he passed away. He left behind two beautiful little girls that he didn't even get to see. He was so full of life and ambitions before this terrible illness took him from us. He loved to do so many things like snowboarding, riding dirt bikes, playing the guitar, going places with his friends and family. He was an all around great kid (young man). He loved his job at Tiger tanks welding. He loved his tattoos that he had and planned on getting more. He was a great son, brother and friend.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

You will always be in our hearts. we miss you so much. Your sisters will never forget you. I see so much of you in them.
Added by Dennise
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