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Born:August 8, 1985
Died:February 10, 2004
Harlowton, Montana

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It Will Be Deleted Soon

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Unless more time is purchased to keep this memorial online, it will be removed from this website very soon.  Visitors will be unable to view this memorial, including any stories, photos, personal notes or other memorabilia that have been added to this web page.

I want to make this short.  For those of you reading these words, listen well.  Do not visit this page with the intentions of mourning the loss of my brother.  I would rather you celebrated the life that he lived.  For those of you who knew him well, remember the good times you shared with Steven, and the good times he had with you.  For those who didn't know him well, help celebrate these good times with those who do.
I can say that I am proud to be Stevens brother. Throughout the last few months, I have been able to talk to Steven more than I ever have. I learned that he was living in his own apartment, had a good job, and had a girlfriend that cared about him. I sat wondering which one of us older kids he had learned all of this from. I was so impressed one of us kids had started as early as he did. None of us had ever given half the effort that I saw him put forth.
This is the one thought that I hold onto that can bring a smile to my face. I know that all of you have been touched by Steven in one way or another. Use this page to express your thoughts or share your memories. Let this our time to become stronger as a family, and even stronger as friends.
I would personally like to thank those who visit this site, and those who contributed to and participated in laying Steven to rest.

We Love You Steven

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

I love you and miss you. You will always be in our hearts little brother. Be good.

Your Big Brother
Coriey L. Burkman

Added by Anonymous

I hadn't see you, Steven, since you were a very little boy. You came to visit us with your mom, brothers,sister and grandparents. I recall what a handsome guy you were then. As the youngest sibling you rated that special attention given to the "baby" of the family. I did hear about you though, from your grandparents. My three children remember you as well all of us wish we had known you better.

Rest in peace, Steven, you were loved and will be missed.

Aunt Joy & Uncle Paul LeBlanc

Added by Aunt Joy

Steven you hav touched the lives of many you will be missed and loved for ever I miss and love you very mouch your big bro Nathan
Added by Nathan Burkman

Steven you hav touched the lives of many you will be missed and loved for ever I miss and love you very mouch your big bro Nathan
Added by Nathan Burkman

You are always in my thoughts and forever in my heart little brother! I love and miss you. Steven Levi I am so proud of you for all you've done! I just wanted you to know.
Added by Anonymous

Steven Levi McCool!! Was like a older big brother to me, I Loved him very much I just don't understand why he did this to himself.He hurt a lot of people. I have one brother his name is Cody I Love him a lot, but steven was there for me, my brother wasn't. I miss him so much I wish he was here but it can never happen he has gone to a very good place. I Love you Steven Levi McCool!!!!! Love Corie Tennison
Added by Corie Tennison
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