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Born:January 10, 1943
Madison County, Tn.
Died:October 22, 2003
West Tennessee Transitional Care

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Mrs. Easley was a loving and devoted wife and mother. She was often a very quiet person who allowed her actions and love to speak louder than words. She will be truely missed by her loved ones and those whose lives were touched by her.
Rubye Easley
Added by Phillip Easley
Personal Notes

Mamaw was one of the sweetest people I have ever met. Her smile would just brighten my day. She will always be in my heart and on my mind.
Added by Tabitha

I didn't get to meet Mamaw until I was 16 years old, but I am better for it. Our long talks and tomato soup nights will never be forgotten. I miss you Mamaw.
Added by Ann Marie Easley

My mom was the best mom in the world to me.She was loving,caring,with a warm smile.She was there anytime I needed someone to hold and talk to.She was my best friend.She will forever be in my heart,and never forgotten.Mom i will always love you.
Added by Phillip

She was the love of my life.we shared alot of good times and bad,but we always shared them together.i miss and love her so much.It's hard to deal with sometimes,but i have my children and my friends to help me throught it.I love you and always will.
Added by Glen Easley

I meet her in 1999,and she was like my own mom.and treated me like her own son.I miss you mom.and I love you.
Added by George Mallard

I meet her in 1999,she was like my own mother.She treated me like one of her own kids.I love you mom and miss you.
Added by George Mallard
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