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Born:October 20, 1943
Daytona Beach, Florida
Died:July 5, 1998
Daytona Beach, Florida

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Lawanna was a very loving, outgoing person. She was a very devoted mother. She alawys tried to brighten people's day and put a smile on their face. She will be greatly missed.
Granny Smith red chair 3.jpg

Added by Anonymous

Granny and Santa 2.jpg

Added by Anonymous
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Personal Notes

My mother was a very wonderful person and I will truely miss her. She was the best person in the world. I know she is at peace now and she is no longer in pain. I long for the day to be reunited with her.
Added by Tabitha

My grandmother Smith was a very smart woman. And right before she passed away I got to eat ice cream with her. Of course like most grandmothers she was the best grandmother I have ever had. My grandmother Smith was 54 years old before she passed away. I will never forget her because she was a very loving and caring grandmother.
Added by Re'nee Finley

I only knoew Mrs. Smith for a short time, but I was very impressed by her personality and good natured honesty. She was a wonderful woman and I know she was also a loving mother to her children. I will miss her, but I am glad for the time I got to share with her. I know she is in a far better place as she was a devote Christian. I wish that I had faith as strong as she displayed.
Added by Steven W. Easley
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