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Born:June 28, 1930
Elkins Park, P.A.
Died:February 16, 2004
Newport News, Virginia

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Deaconess Pauline Daye, daughter of the late William and Nellie Banks was born June 28, 1930 in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania. She went to be with the lord February 16, 2004. She was educated in the Abington School System and graduated from Temple University School of Nursing. She retired from Cinnaminson Board of Education after twenty-six years. At an early age she joined Salem Baptist Church in Jenkintown, P.A. She married Deacon Alfred Daye Senior December 4, 1949 and moved to North Philadelphia. After moving to Cinnaminson N.J. she joined Saint Paul Baptist Church under the leadership of Reverend Alvin A. Jackson. Her last move was to Newport News, V.A. where she joined New Beech Grove as a Deaconess.
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