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Born:February 7, 2010
Odessa regional medical hospital
Died:February 7, 2010
ORMH at 7:42am

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This is in memory of our daughter Yoshi Moon and she was 17weeks into my pregnancy. I was so excited to find out that I was given the gift of life. I was so happy that me and my husband began to buy baby items and turning our bedroom into a babyroom. But our happiness soon ended on the 17th week of my pregnancy I could feel her kick it was very soft but made me cry of joy but that very same day I felt under the weather so I rested and then when I awoke I felt blood rushing down my legs I was devastated and alone. After all my excitement wanting to become this childs mother it all came to a dark end Feb.7.2010 at 7:42am my dear husbands eyes rushed with tears and I have birth to our daughter but she had already stopped living. I love you Yoshi an we miss you n wish we had more time with you. I still dream of her every night and her ashes rest in a earn next to our bed on her alter. I felt you kick I felt you swing in my womb it felt like butterflies I seen you sucking you thumb only at 12weeks under a sonigram and I heard you beautiful heart beat and that day you were born I held you close. You are my baby you are a gift and now your with God to rest in peace.
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