Grant was much loved by all those that knew him, and will be greatly missed. He leaves behind a big hole, as he leaves us too soon. Grant was one of those people that always saw the light side of life, and could make anyone laugh. He had a wicked sense of humour and used it well. The life of the party, people were naturally drawn to Grant and instantly liked him. Born to proud parents Kate and Jim, Grant was a loving loyal son, and brother to his younger sister Katrina. As Katrina married and began her own family with Harry, I know Grant embraced the extended family which soon included his much loved niece and nephew. Grant was a great believer in social justice, so a natural home for him was the government department FaHCSIA, where he worked for the people. I know that he drew great satisfaction and pride from his work, where family and community were the key values that he worked towards and believed in. Because of Grant's sparkling personality, he had many friends. While his family lived in Melbourne, Grant also had many friends in Sydney, Canberra and Brisbane that were also like family to him. It is all of us, all of the people mentioned here that will sadly miss our Grant. The Sci-Fi nut who loved Doctor Who and the Darleks. The 60s sitcom fan who adored Doctor Smith and Florence Henderson from the Brady Bunch. The best friend. The beloved son. The good hearted, kind, sensitive man who was taken too early from us all.