Jeannie was a strong, smart, kind woman who worked very hard to be a great nurse. She had a gift when it came to children, and it showed in how much her grandchildren and everyone loved her. She just had this way about her that made you feel welcomed, loved, and just comfortable. Many friends of the family would always be amazed at how calm and welcoming she was with them, and everyone she met. I cannot express how great it was to have a mom like her, and I only hope I can be half the woman and mother she ever was. She always said that Nursing School was the hardest thing she ever did, but was one of the best, as well. Her co workers were very much like family to her, and she spoke about how wonderful they all were, often. Her beloved Buddy made her very happy for the last 15 years of her life. They had this great love for one another that we all wish we had. They laughed so much they would cry, and hardly ever bickered because she would always win with her witty comebacks. I think that's what she would want for everyone to learn from her, is life is too short and we shouldn't spend it arguing. If she saw an argument coming she had a way to defuse it before it started. She was an amazing mother, sister , daughter, friend, nurse, and companion who will be missed dearly. I just want everyone to know what she would want the most for all of us who are grieving, is a peaceful state of mind and to take care of all the children the best they can. So wipe those tears and put on a smile because Jeannie is within all of us.
Her Thankful Daughter,