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Born:July 27, 1959
Died:January 16, 2004
detroit, michigan

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in loving memory of julio de la Cruz jr. 44 yrs. of age when he left us to be with his creator and the angels. julio was a great person to all who knew him, known for his caring and loving heart which beats in all of us. survived by robyn who loves him now and frever in this world and the next. survived by 2 sisters liz and maria who are very close to their brother and will miss him as i will. 3 children who will carry his blood and his name and keep him alive as we will as well in our hearts. julio has the 2 greatest parents ever in this world that a person could ever want for. the entire family is the best - julio had heaven here and now he will have it again but in another world. heaven is love and julio had that with all of us. his parents names are julio sr. and iris de la Cruz. julio has a nephew who he adored very much his anme is elijah and he always spoke of elijah with a proud smile, he made him very happy. julios children are 18 yr. old iris ana de la Cruz and twin sons julian and justin and he adored his children and he loved them with every ounce of his breath as he did all of his family. julio was a hard worker and a pleasant and loving man and he was taken from us so very soon and so suddenly and it is hard for us all and the only way we will get through this unfortunate loss is to remember god is taken care of julio and julio will never suffer again and he is in such a place of paradise that he will be forever in happiness now without anymore suffering. 
julio worked for chrysler for several years as other jobs to provide for all that needed providing for, julio would give you every dime he had and go broke so you may have what you needed and this is who julio was. unselfish and great and an angel to me. he is still my angel and always will be. julio had a nick name from his family- julito and he liked it and i nicknamed him papi and i wa his mami, we loved each other very much. julio served in the army for several years proudly and he told great stories of the service, he did enjoy serving his country, a brave and honorable man julio was and will always be in our hearts and minds til death part us all.i could give julio a biography forever long because there are that many great things to say about this amn who changed the life of so many while he was here. i like to thank god for letting me have the privelage of knowing and loving the best man i will ever meet in my lifetime, most of us dont get that and i did even though it was for a short time i still had the honors. thank you god for bringing julio to all of us and thank you god for taking care of our julio now as we to await for you one day, so we may all rejoice together in paradise. amen. julio, i love you with every beat of my heart- then , now and your mami robyn.

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Personal Notes

when the warmth of the sun touches my face, i see your smile and feel your embrace. i hear the whisper of love in the wind and i know that you are close to me again.
Added by mami robyn

the rain speaks of tears and the thunder of pain, but soon the sun comes the earth to reclaim. as the days come and go and the world moves on, i know youre still here, you will never be gone.
i miss and love you papi.

Added by your mami robyn.

on the night the angel came and took your hand, we cried as you left for an unknown land. but heaven rejoiced as you came into sight, for your soul was a diamond, shining so bright!
you are my shining star papi.

Added by mami robyn.

papi, i hope you can see this for this letter is for you. i miss you and dont know what to do? i hurt all over and i cry all day and the nights are even darker now that your away.i feel i left this world to even though im here breathing its not like being with you.a part of me is with you and a part of me is dead for i lost the best part of this life and world and for my heart will never mend.
Added by mami robyn.
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