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Born:October 25, 1972
QEH Barbados
Died:December 2, 2010
Orange Hill St James

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I am going to miss my uncle. even though I don't really get to see him since i move atleast i know he was there but now he's gone it's going to be hard.
He was a cool easy going man and never bother anyone. I remember pestering hiim to open lard oil bottles and cut coconute, how good his food smelt when ever he cook regardless to whatever he was cooking. He said a certain poise spoke english well and his hands were as soft as a baby. I remember how fascinated he was with the laptop and well he sang. I always said I would record him and make some money. He was very rich that's what he always he owned horses and what's not . I love him to death. I WILL MISS U UNCLE CARL LOVE YOU MAY YOUR SOUL REST IN PEACE

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You will truly be miss uncle especially now at christmas
Added by Cherice
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