Hal, to whom many refer as Tom, was a caring and devoted man to his loving wife Barbara and dad to his step son Jesse who both survive him. He is also survived by his three brothers Mike, Tony and Joe Quiring as well as their families. Tom's dedication to his Country led him to becoming a Marine and fighting for this Country during Viet Nam for which he was Honorably awarded and discharged. His love for country music and sharing his dreams with his wife of 30 years led to many business adventures and fantastic vacation memories both at home in the ocean fishing or traveling to exotic places like the Bahama's. Tom's shared a knowledge and love for the history of aviation and participated in many builds of some of our finest fighting aircraft machines in the Country he loved so much. Tom's wishes were always simple and that was to take care of his wife and enjoy life each and every day. My pop was an acomplished Sport Fisherman, Husband, Military Vetern, Dad, Career Man, Marksman, Friend and Pool Shark who always kept his cool even in the most difficult times of his life. We all Love you pop and your going to be remembered and missed dearly by those who know you and those who you have helped along the way in their own lives. As you look from the Heavens may we all continue to make you proud. "No one can come to me, unless the father who Me draws him; and I will raise hime up on the last day" John 6:44