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Born:May 24, 1927
Menden, LA
Died:January 21, 2011
Seattle, Wash

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Sylverst Moore was born the eighth child of ten children to the union of Charlie and Emma (Grisby) Moore, who proceed him in death.  Sylvester united with Union Grove C.M.E. Church at an early age. He moved to Seattle in 1945 during World War II.  He was known as "Sunny" to family and "Moe" to friends.  He worked at Bethleham Steel and on Fishing Vessels in Alaska.  He loved to cook and thought he was "The Barbeque King". He loved to play cards with family and friends, and loved his family dearly.

He leaves to mourn his passing, two children; Ardean Moore Jones and Tambra Moore Jones both of Seattle, five grandchildren; Shena Jones-Barnes of Tuson, AZ., Richard Donaldson Jr. of Texas, Duane Fashaw Jr., Damico Jones and ImmanuelCanada all of Seattle. Thirteen great-grandchildren, one great-great grandchildren, and a host of family and friends.

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