The morning after....and an attempt to say something for the record. This will stay on the web for months......
Theresia had first severe evidence of fibrillation and an emergency room care on Dec. 3, also followed by a weakness and breathing problem while with family on xmas holiday so we rushed back (12/29)to our hospital (for 5 day care over 1/1/2011). The ongoing attempt to stabilize was not proceeding well with the basic pills so both primary doctor and cardiologist said to do a electric impulse stabilizing method. (called cardioversion)
Scheduled for 1/14, then aborted as the doctor had fear of a blockage, so a Barium test on Tuesday 1/25 (proved no blockage)was followed Wednesday by a T.E.E. to locate the area of fibrillation, and a 'cardioversion' which was extremely successful. Normal breathing, steady heartbeat on monitor, happiness and calm returned that evening and all day Thursday.
Friday (1/28)morning after making eggs and talking about taking new routes for life (with people,personal needs, and maximizing what time left), she rested and dozed at about 9:30 am. My next hour was in different rooms (and heating oil delivery)so at 11:20 when noticing her slightly unusual sleeping position, I entered and tried to nudge, prod,to
awake,but the white-faced,cold hands told me to call 911 at once.
Being nearby they arrived in 4-5 minutes while I was directed to try to revive her, and they had all efforts and machines used for such needs, but all was not successful.
My call to Michael who drove here quickly, and from 11:30 till now, with special remembering of that next hour with her removal have left me unable and too tearful to contend with the need to repeat all this individually to you all.
Lee is flying here from London today, in semi shock and we three are going to have much private handling of the next days. With friends scattered, no big event is planned, but some kind of tribute will be done for the most engaging, personable, family-loving and admired wife that all three of us have ever met anywhere we lived.
I could go on for 10 pages about the unusual life, we and she particularly led, and will do so later to anyone that asks, but for now this method of communication is about all the three of us can manage, and hope it will stimulate you to remember how short life is, and to keep close while we can.