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Born:August 6, 1954
New Jersey
Died:July 12, 2003
New Jersey

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Dad its coming up on eight months and i still dont know what to do without you. i am taking care of mommy just like you know i would, helped her a lot during the holidays, and soon when i graduate i will help her at home this summer and everything. i am sure you got your angel wings now how do they feel? Dad i want you to know i would not trade a single moment i spent with you for anything in this entire world. i just wish we had more time together. sometimes i remember the little things, or your catch phrases like always telling me to "be careful" or "life isn't fair." and Dad you are so right, life is not fair. i have had many trials and tribulations since you left. i think about you every day. sometimes it feels like you are still here cause we talk about you all the time, other times it feels like eternity since the last time i saw you. i still dont remember our last day together, Friday, July 11, 2003. i really wish i did. i wish i stayed home from work on the 12th so i could take care of you, maybe even save you. Dad i am going to tell you my little secret about my family, when i have a son, hopefully its with diane, we will name him Warren Robert Norton. because Dad you are the greatest person i have ever known! i have so many memories to share with your grandkids, i found the alligator i gave you for Christmas a couple of years ago, that was the funniest thing EVER! lol. Dad i hope you enjoy watching your boys grow up, cause i will tell you right now, you could not have raised us better! I MISS YOU DADDY, EVERY DAY, I THINK OF YOU, EVERY DAY, I LOVE YOU DAD, PROTECT ME, WATCH OVER ME, GUIDE ME, OUR FAMILY, AND FRIENDS, FOREVER MY ANGEL IN THE OUTFIELD:)

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