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Born:January 1, 1928
Died:January 1, 2003

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Gramma, as I knew her, was a breed all of her own.  Beautiful, elegant and vibrant right up to her last days.  She had a regal, cultured manner that I like to think rubbed off on us all.  

She was happiest spending time with her family. She believed that true happiness came from having a beautiful, loving family and losing her makes me realize just how right she was.

Gramma was never afraid to tell you when she thought something wasn’t right, which she frequently did. She would offer her opinion and let you make your own decision. In retrospect is seems as though she was never wrong.

She was truly deserving of the love she received from her familly and friends... I can honestly say she did not have a mean or unkind thought in her head. She gave us all someone to respect, admire and be proud of . The main objective of her life was to see to the happiness of those she loved. If you were fortunate enough to know her...

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Personal Notes

Thanks Gramma...
Added by mf
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