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Born:August 21, 1977
Died:February 10, 2010

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Rememberd as a loving husband and father.Rmemberd as a loving son and brother...Rememberd as a loving cousin and uncle...rememberd as a loving nephew...rememberd as a good friend.
all this u were and more. in your brief life u respected all and never looked down on matter their status.
we live by the standards u set and strive to raise them even higher.

we miss u but above all we count ourselves highly favoured by GOD for giving us an oppotunity to be a part of your life.
till we meet. continue resting in peace my love...

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

i will always love u my taught me so much and through your passing on i have learnt so much more and everyday im learning more. i consider myself the luckiest woman on earth becouse in your life you chose me for a wife and mother to your children. thanx love..

Added by Anonymous

i will always love u my taught me so much and through your passing on i have learnt so much more and everyday im learning more. i consider myself the luckiest woman on earth becouse in your life you chose me for a wife and mother to your children. thanx love..

Added by chipo juwaki nasilele
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