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Born:May 5, 1989
Died:August 14, 1989

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ADAM TARR who Passed 8/12/2010 in his sleep at age 21.he had a big heart loved to skate he had long blound and brown hair his favorite candy hersheys cookies and cream favorite color pink he was the #1 sexist uncle u could ask for hes very hyper active and skinny i miss him with all my heart he was allwyas up to doing something he would make me smile and even sometimes make me cry i miss everything about him and everything he even did like climbing moutains makeing home made skate ramps he was the famous adam paul tarr (ps)the MONKEY today May,5,2011 is his 22nd birthday i wish he could be here with me i miss him dearly and love him sooo much in loveing memory R.I.P ADAM PAUL TARR................. 


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