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Born:July 29, 1940
Died:September 15, 2011
Steubenville, Ohio

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Dad was a very loving and devoted dad, and taught us that family always comes first. I have very fond memories of dad, he was a great man and an even greater dad. I'd like to think that dad would be proud of us for being the caring people that we are, that he helped mold us to be. We all love and miss you dad.Dad was a very caring and giving man.He had a great sense of humor, loved to laugh and enjoyed making others laugh. He loved kids and enjoyed telling his stories, usually the kids would ask me if they were true or not. He had a beautiful smile and always was alot of fun to be around. He could always put a smile on my face.He was a great Dad and he enjoyed being a dad, I think. He taught us alot, but most of all he taught us to love.When he got older, he got softer, we always used to joke with him about it, but it must be something we all do. He was a wonderful man that loved life. Dad loved music, I remember when we were younger we used to play records and dance, I loved it, even as a kid. When Dad got sick the first time and made it out ok, I recorded the song "Dance with my Father again" and gave it to him, and that's what I thought of, when we were younger. It was a second chance for us. I remember asking Dad "How many miracles can you get?" and he said "as many as you can accept Petey." Dad had a way about him, he would come off hard sometimes, but he was a softy. Dad was always a hard worker and did whatever he had to to get by,honestly. Dad loved to travel and did alot of it. He used to talk about where he'd been all the time. Dad's stories never got old. I loved to listen to him and watch his eyes light up. His eyes would light up and he'd have that beautiful smile on his face. Dad had a beautiful smile. Dad was very special in so many ways. He was a strict man, but added a loving touch to it. Dad loved the west and always talked about the sunsets. His favorite holiday was Easter, I always would send him a card. Dad enjoyed life and I enjoyed having him in mine. I love and miss you Dad! There's not a day go by that I don't think of you.
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Dad and me!!
Added by Petey

Love you Dad
Added by Petey

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Dad and Girls!
Added by Petey

Love and miss you Dad!
Added by Petey

Dad on the truck!
Added by Petey

Dad in California
Added by Petey
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
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Miss you with all my heart Dad
Added by Petey
Personal Notes

I miss and love you dad, I feel a loss that is unbearable. I wish you were here.I wish I could've learned to appreciate you a long time ago there just doesn't seem to be enough time with you. I would give anything for one last hug, kiss,laugh,to hear your voice again. I love you dad.
Added by Petey

My dad was and always will be the best man that ever walked this earth. He had a heart of gold and would have helped anyone who needed it. Since his death, there has not been a day that goes by that I don't shed a tear for what we lost. Growing up, me and my sister Petey were always with dad. We were his road dogs. As adults, that was still true. I will forever have a hole in my heart. I wish there would have been more time with you, but in my heart I know that there would never be enough time.
Added by Beth

I miss and love you dad everyday, I wish things could've been different.It was very hard seeing you in such a vulnerable state, you've always been our rock. We wanted so much to take care of you like you had done for us for so many years. I love and miss you dad, you are in my heart and soul forever.
Added by Petey

My dad was the type of person that would have helped anyone who needed it. He taught us four girls to be the same way. My dad was always my friend and as I got older he became my best friend. I am just so lost without my dad. I still talk to him everyday. I miss him so much. The hole that he left inside my heart will never be filled for the rest of my time here on earth. I never thought my dad would die and leave us all alone. He was always so strong. In his last days, he became vulnerable and weak and I still didn't realize that he would die. I just knew that he was going to fight to come back to us. There are times when I wish he was looking down on us and watching over us and then there are times when I hope he isn't because I know he would tell me to quit crying everyday and try to be happy because he wouldn't want me to be sad. I just can't do it though. I miss him so much and will always have a hole where he left. I will never be truly happy again and I know this disappoints him.
Added by Beth

i wish everyone could have had the pleasure of knowing my dad he was the greatest man that has ever or ever will be a part of my life my dad had alot of character and very strong opinions that he voiced consistently, he had a beautiful smile and a strong hearty laugh and eyes that seemed to smile too. i miss talking to him and our little trips we used to take just so we could talk he was the kind of man that would help anyone no matter what the circumstances and he took people for who they were and i have alot of fond memories of him when we were young he used to put us on his feet and dance with us , and we used to sing crazy songs and for some reason the day i got married the last thing he said to me before he walked me down the aisle was "hey ag the car's right outside if u change ur mind" lol i miss him so much and i love him not a day goes by that i don't think of him n it seems like everything reminds me of him in some way or another and of course when i look in a mirror i c him
Added by cathy

I miss and love you dad it's been a little over 5 months since you've been gone. I feel really lonely sometimes dad. I miss you alot of times it still don't feel real. Then I will hit reality and the tears start flowing. I never thought you would go, I always thought that you would be ok. I knew that you were getting weak but I always believed that you would be able to recover. Like you did before. I love having you with me, I talk to you alot and I give you a kiss goodnight. And when I pray at night I ask God to tell you I love and Miss you! I will always have a hole in my heart that will never heal. I love you dad with all my heart and soul!
Added by Petey

Right now I'm in a different place
and though we seem apart,
I'm closer than I ever was...
I'm there inside your heart.
I'm with you when you greet each day,
And while the sun shines bright.
I'm there to share the sunsets, too..
I'm with you every night.
I'm with you when the times are good
To share a laugh or two
And if a tear should start to fall..
I'll still be there for you.
And when that day arrives
That we no longer are apart
I'll smile and hold you close to me..
Forever in my heart.
I love and miss you Dad!!

Added by Petey

"Just a minute more Daddy,
the little girl cried.
"I don't want to go inside right now,
Give me one more piggy back ride."
"Just another minute, Daddy"
She said when she was ten.
"I'm not really ready to go to bed yet
But won't you please tuck me in?"
"Wait a minute Daddy"
She said when she was a teen
"My friends don't have a curfew,
How could you be so mean?"
"I'll talk to you soon Dad"
She said as she left for school.
"I've got to get this stuff in the car,
My dorm rooms going to be so cool."
"I don't have time now Dad"
She said at the end of the day.
"A projects due, my boss is mad,
And I've got so many bills to pay."
"Can I call you back in an hour Dad"
She asked as the kids went to bed
"They're cranky, and they're driving me crazy,
They won't listen to a word I've said."
"Just a minute more Daddy,"
She said as he closed his eyes.
"It's not time to go home,Dad;
I just need a little more time."

Added by Petey
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