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Born:March 19, 1976
Chatham Ontario
Died:February 26, 2012
Chatham Ontario

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Donny was a loving and caring person as well as someone you could talk to about anything. He was always a great father to two daughters and two sons. He was also a great son to his mom and dad he was always making sure everyday to check up on his mother. Awesome brother to many. He was a great Uncle to many. He was a good husband, as well as a good boyfriend to many. Donny was a great friend to all his friends. His Favorite Coffee was a fresh cup of Tim Hortons, he needed his coffee more then twice a day that was his second home pretty much. He always worked on vehicals in his Garage. He had his own Family business in Fencing. He was very comical as well. He would always joke with family and friends and you would never know if he was serious or joking around because he never gave a slight laugh or facial expression to give himself away. He has been very luckey in his life it is like he had nine lives like a cat he has been in some Critical Accidents and still survived  them all he has had serious injurys but yet acts as if nothing happened and moves on from it always. He was my moms idal they could never be separated most of the time. He was a great Foster cousin to alot of family as well. We all want you to know how much of a cuddle bear he was and how much we all loved him he was a big part of everybodys life. Now alls we can do is remember him for what kind of person he was and has become. We all belive he is with us every single day even though we cannot see him or touch him or touch his face we know he is in our hearts. Just remember we can still communicate with him in our thoughts and prayers.
In memory of Donald R.I.P. We will always remember all of the great memories we all had.
Added by Tiffany
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
in memory.jpg
remember me
Added by Tiffany
Personal Notes

Donald was a great person you would always be able to get along with. When he got mad he would always be open and honest about everything weather you wanted to here the truth or not he always spoke his mind his mind.
Added by Anonymous
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