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Born:April 26, 1929
Baytown Texas
Died:May 24, 2003
Baytown Texas

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Marina Santana Garza was born in Baytown Texas on April 26th 1929 to Eugenio and Maria Gutierrez Santana the eldest of 7 brothers and sisters, Mike, Henry, Eugene Santana and Hortencia Bowers, Armandina Gebbhard and Ofelia Yepez. She died May 24th 2003 at 1:10 am in her hometown of Baytown Texas with her son John Garza, daughter's Belinda Garza, Leticia Lancaster and youngest sister Ofelia Yepez by her side.
Marina graduated from Robert E Lee High School and went on to Lee College. Marina worked as a seamstress all her life and created many beautiful things with her hands, she was an accomplished crafts person. She loved dancing and enjoyed music, her son John remembers "She grew the largest roses I have ever seen even to this day". She loved life but most of all her greatest joy was her family, especially her grandchildren and great grandchildren. She will be missed for her girlish laughter and love for the beautiful things of life.

Added by Anonymous
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Personal Notes

My Mother and I had our differences. As I stayed by here death bed, I saw a parade of people some I knew others I didn't. People who loved my Mother and came to pay thier last respects. I couldn't talk to my Mother when I got to her because she was in coma. I realized at the end that she tried so hard to be loved and to love. Thank you Mom for the greatest lesson I have ever learned for as I watched the woman who gave me life pass from this world you once again gave me life.
Added by John Garza

mom I miss you very much and i think of you every day. i know you are in a better place. are there really golden gates? i miss your laugh and your happy voice.

your baby girl leticia

Added by leticia

mom I hope you can hear me. i need you to help roxann to understand me.I miss you .
Added by Anonymous

I like this picture I love you
Added by Leticia

Added by leticia
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