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Born:April 7, 1941
Died:January 21, 2004
Fort Myers, Fl

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Jimmy was born on April 7, 1941. He was a family man and loved all of his family. Jimmmy has always been very independent and spent most of his years living in Indiana, North Carolina and Florida. He was an army veteran and served time in Germany in the 1960's. Upon his return from the army he worked in East Chicago briefly at the former AARCO plant. Over his life Jimmy has experienced many things and learned many meaningful lessions. During his time in North Carolina, Jimmy was featured in a book titled, Fridays at Glenwood. Glenwood Tower is a senior citizen residents. The book featured moments of his life and many of his passions. He was quoted to say, "Don't take life for granted because it can knock you down."

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Personal Notes

In continuing memory of our Father
Added by James Michael Peterson - [email protected]
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