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Born:May 25, 1935
Welch WVA
Died:March 7, 2002
Pineville WV

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Daddy was a man that is hard to describe.  Heloved his wife and children and Grandchildren and Great grandchildren above all else. He went through life wanting to provide the best for his family and there were times that I remember we didnt have transportation and he would carry us kids on his shoulders to the Doctors office that was about 3 miles away and he would always tell us stories to make us feel better.  Daddy spent most of his time working on watches he had drawers full of old watches and spare parts. Daddy will always be in ours hearts and in our thoughts no matter where we are and what we do he never leaves my mind.  Daddy I hope that you are up there in heaven and you are looking down on us and I hope that you are proud we are all trying but its been hard the last 2 years with out you here.

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Personal Notes

Daddy I know you are up there in heaven smiling down on us. Daddy I talk to you all the time and I wish that you had not left us yet. But I know that you were tired because I get tired sometimes too. Mom grieves over you each and everyday. You were the love of her life and she is also getting tired too Daddy I know she wants to join you and be with you again. I love you so much Daddy and someday I will join you and we will be united again forevermore I love you Daddy
Added by Judy Daughter

I just want to say I miss you so much.Alot has changed over the last few years. I now have a 2 1/2 year old daughter her name is Emily Dawn.She is so beautiful Papa you would be so proud of her.Her father and I have been together for 4years you would like him he is a wonderful man he takes care of me.Emily is a little me she's a doll.I try very hard to be a wonderful mother and I believe you would be very proud.Wish you were here.
Added by April Mitchem
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