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Born:June 30, 1942
Stockton, CA
Died:January 24, 2004
Stockton, CA

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A Father / Daughter Love
"Goodbye Daddy"
My Last Goodbye

The life that you gave me cannot be explained
The experiences, happiness, sorrow, joy, and the pain
The memories cant be erased in my mind
The love I have for you forever frozen in time

An little angel forever in your eyes
The wind beneath my gave me strength to fly
One who wiped away my tears when I felt pain
One who I could run to when the world seemed insane

In your arms I felt safe and secure
Showing me that you loved me and that there is no problem that can’t be cured
That spring day you left me, my life seemed to end
I felt lonely, helpless, and empty....wasn’t sure that my heart would ever mend

Just as easily as I came into your life, you swiftly left mine
No goodbye’s, I love you’s, you had no time
It’s hard down here without you, but I have to be strong
That’s what you want, no tears, no sorrow, for me to live on

I’ll do my best to make you proud of me
I just wish that you were with me
Through out life’s challenges I feel you with me every step of the way
To guide me and help me make it through the day

I know I will see you again, because good-bye’s aren’t forever
The bond we have can’t be broken, not now, not ever
I hope you like heaven Daddy, I hope you have a clear view of me from up above
I love you and I miss you.....our Father/Daughter love


Added by Kimberly


Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

My dad has always been my hero! No matter what, he never did any wrong in my eyes. He was always proud of me. And I always knew that he loved me. He loved all of his children. He worked very hard to always make sure that we all had everything we wanted or needed. I miss my dad so much! Life will never be the same without him here to call me “Princess”.
Added by Kimberly
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