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Died:December 26, 2011
Penn Yan

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In memory of a great father ,grandfather, uncle, brother, husband and friend that never spoke a bad word about anyone. Jim had a heart of gold that was addictive and contagious. Always soft spoken and low key but his love and presence was always felt and known to those close to him. Truly a gold soul that we all miss everyday and proof that all the good ones are gone too soon

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Personal Notes

Happy Father's Day Dad even tho we aren't blood in the 10 years I knew you I always loved you as my own dad. You have taught me patience love and calmness that only you know how. Miss you dearly and one day soon we will share another sip of ole granddad. Your heart and love for life will never be forgotten.
Added by Rich Martinez

Happy Father's Day Dad I miss you so much I wish you were here you will always be in my heart I love you
Added by Tina

You always had a smile and a laugh. You were always helpful and loving. You were always willing, able, and ready to lend a hand. You are a special soul and a special person. I know that everyone who has had the privilege to know you or even encounter you were blessed just by who you were. So many will miss you. The void will be felt for a while. I am so glad that you took me in and that you were my second Dad. Even though there were long periods of time I didn't see you, you always welcomed me like I had only been gone for a short time. I will miss you.
Added by Tammy Johnson

thought about you ball day Dad, I dont think you ever really new how much you meant to us all...
I love you and miss you :(

Added by Anonymous

thought about you all day Dad, I dont think you ever really new how much you meant to us all...
I love you and miss you :(

Added by Scorch
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