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Born:November 9, 1983
Died:May 12, 2002

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Unless more time is purchased to keep this memorial online, it will be removed from this website very soon.  Visitors will be unable to view this memorial, including any stories, photos, personal notes or other memorabilia that have been added to this web page.

Adam was a very talented kid who did not realize all the potential he had. He had a gift for music and liked a variety of types. He was a friend to many who came to him for a friend and an ear to listen. He had a great sense of humor and I loved doing things with him. He felt that he was a burden to us here when in reality he was anything but. He was only 18 when he died and the pain will be ours until we meet again. We LOVE you ADAM!!
Skyla, RyLee and Qwynn, your nieces and nephew
Added by Love Pa
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
Added by Anonymous

My Child is Gone.doc
My Child is Gone
Added by Adams Dad

Do you remember when.doc
Do you remember when
Added by For Adam by his Dad

Show Me Somehow.doc
Show Me Somehow
Added by Adams Dad


Added by Pa
Personal Notes

You will always be special to many and we have all been made to be stronger by your leaving us. I hope that your at peace now my son and that the pain you felt is gone. I will always love you and chersih the time we had together. I LOVE YOU!!
Added by Dad

Adam your Dad has told me so much about you. I would have loved to meet you. He took me to visit you in February it's a beautiful spot with a beautiful head stone. Your Dad says your nephew Riley reminds him so much of you. Your Dad says he is a gift from you being born on your Anniversary death so he won't be so sad on that day. Having two sons around your age I can't imagine the loss your Dad is feeling but I hope to always be there for him and hold him close to my heart when he's feeling sad.
Added by Sharon

Adam, as the fourth anniversary of your passing approaches I find myself missing you more than ever. I just want you to know we all miss you and wish you were here to enlighten us with your smile. I am hoping that your flying with the angels and that your free of your pain. Your always close to my heart and I will always chesrish the times we had together. I LOVE YOU!!
Added by Pa
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