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Born:July 14, 1936
Woodbury, Connecticut
Died:February 2, 2001
Margate Florida

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My dad was the best ever! The thing i admired the most about him was his ability to make everyone around him laugh. When he died there was a hole left in my heart that can never be filled.I think about him everyday and miss him so much,The way he died was horrible, and I hope that someday I get the answers i need . Like why?? Why my pops?
My father is survived by 9 daughters and 3 sons, going by ages here's the list: Robin Rowland, Dorothy Bell,Sharon Zesner,Robert Crownshaw all of Waterbury Connecticut. Tina Coviello(me)of Ocala Florida, George Crownshaw,Linda LaBounty,and Rosemary Zesner,of Waterbury Connecticut.TommyMichaud of Margate Florida, LisaMichaud,of PompanoBeach AngelBoris of hollywood california, and Tonya Crownshaw of pompano beach fla he has 30 grand children and 12 great grandchildren. Also survived ny his brothers and sisters, Dorothy Rossato,Tommy Warner
I wrote this letter to him shortly after he passed away.

Dad, I dont understand why you had to go. i dont think i ever will.There was so much left unsaid Like how much I love you. How much I still need you here. If i had one wish granted... What I wouldnt give to have just one more day, one more time, one more kiss and one more joke, Just one more sunset with you and maybe I'd be satisfied, but I know Id wish for one more day all the time.I am blessed to have had you in my life even thought it was for such a short time, then again forever would never have been long enough to have someone as prescious as you in my life. I know you are up in heaven looking down at us and feeling our sorrow, but you are in the arms of an angel and you are probably telling all the jokes you loved to tell so much. And i bet you have all the angels laughing. God must have had the need for a great joke teller daddy cause you were the best. i miss you....... Loving you till we meet again someday, Forever Tina Marie

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