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Born:February 27, 1939
Camden, New Jersey
Died:March 14, 2003
Boston, Massachuettes

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A truely unique woman , who loved and cherished her family and friends. Exspecially her children, it has taking me many years to understand all of the trials and life's haardship's she had to overcome, just to keep her children together. She could never in a millions years begin to know just how losing her has impacted my life and all of my families lives.I don't have that special person who always had a solution to my problems or a shoulder to cry on.
And I will miss the phone calls just because, I felt like talking, I am sorry your gone mommy BUT NEVER WILL YOU BE FORGOTTEN
Life's not the same since her presence is no longer here on earth.I LOVE YOU MOMMY and MISS YOU terribly
I can never forget the love and laughter she had in her heart. For each and everyone that was part of her.

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Personal Notes

Mama, I hope yo don't mind but I thought it would be nice to create this page in your memory, I miss yo so so so so much. My days seem so long without you, I feel so lost most of the time. I am trying to move on but I still have some rough times. I hope my brothers and sisters have no problems with this I did it out of love for you.
If I had just one wish my wish would be fo yo to be back in on earth with us.

Added by Nanny
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