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Born:March 16, 1961
Marion, Indiana
Died:February 26, 2004
Baltimore, Maryland

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Dean Dougherty Keagle, a Navy Veteran, died February 26 at the age of 42 in Baltimore, MD, after a prolonged illness resulting from complex complications of his lifelong diabetic condition. Dean was born in Indiana, raised in Colorado, and served in the Navy from 1980 to 1981. Following his term in the service, he became educated in phlebotomy, soon afterwards, however, his diabetic illness debilitated him such that he was no longer able to continue pursuing this career.

Dean was mathematically inclined and delighted in all manners of arithmetic puzzles. He was also an avid chess player. Dean was very fond of music, and could often be found reading until his eyesight failed him. Dean's kind and gentle nature, and his joyful ability to make people laugh and smile, touched many lives and encouraged them to grow.

Dean placed great importance on, and had immense love for, his home and family. His love for his wife knew no bounds. He and his wife Jessamyn met in Tucson, AZ in 1989, and were devoted to each other from that moment on. They moved to Indiana in 1990 and relocated to Baltimore in 1996, where they bought a home. Dean loved the ocean and throughout their lives together they made frequent trips to the beach and enjoyed cruising in the Caribbean.

Dean was a kind and generous man who will be deeply missed by his wife and all who knew him. He is survived by his wife of 15 years, Jessamyn; his children Augie, Poly, Sybil and Peanut; mother, Gladys J. Keagle; brothers Chuck, Bill, Howard, and Steve; mother-in-law Jane; sisters-in-law Jane, Jenia, and Laura; brother-in-law John; and ten nieces and nephews.
Dean and Jess 1995.JPG
Us, then.
Added by Jessamyn

No photo uploaded

Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Written for our tenth, and last, anniversary ...
Added by Jessamyn
Personal Notes

Dean, I love you still and think of you every day of my continued existence. My wish is that you are in a place that is free of pain and that you are surrounded by love every moment.
Added by Jessamyn

My love it has been
almost two years to the day
since your soul left mine
to go to a pain-free place
I love you still

Added by Jessamyn
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