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Born:May 5, 1951
lexington ky
Died:February 8, 2004
lexington ky

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she was always there to help anyone that need advice or a shoulder to cry on. she will always be loved by her immediate family.she loved elvis and scoobydoo and her dalmations,but more then that she loved her kids and her grandkids very much.momma you re the best and we all love u

Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Carolyn we will always love you you will be in our hearts and on our minds forever.The love you gave and the people you helped will never forget and we will always be greatful that god made a wonderful mother mother in law wife and grandmother like you.The time that god let us borrow you here on earth was wonderful and we all thank god that he let us borrow you we all know that when we borrowed you we borrowed one of his most wonderful angels.
Added by Billie Jo
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