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Born:September 3, 1957
Died:April 12, 2004
Phoenixville PA

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Bill loved fishing, cooking, computers and going to Cape May in New Jersey.  He loved Florida and always dreamed of going back there to live someday.  Bill resided at the Freedom House in Royersford, PA. He made some very special friends.  He was a very loyal friend and would do anything to help anyone.  He is survived by his beloved girlfriend Donna.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Added by Sara
Personal Notes

He was one hell of a guy . We will miss him very much. I fought with him a lot but he was always there when I needed him . We will always remember you Bill McIntyre. Rest in peace. Your friend , Bert

Added by Bert Poeller

Bill, I will never forget you "Bro" my life has changed so much because of you. Right now there is a big hole in my heart but I know that you are watching me. Things will never be the same around here. :( You may have razzed me about Rusty all the time but you were very special to me. "Golly Jeepers" Bill what do I do now? Thanks for all you have done and thanks for the memories "bro",I love you. Your best friend, Sara "Trouble"
Added by Sara

Bill, I miss you everyday there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you. I wish you were here it's you and grandma both in 2 months time. Wish you were here to talk to. If you see her please tell her I am alright and that I love her. Miss you always.
Added by Sara
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